Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Hochburg Castle
an awe-inspiring fortress in the upper rhine valley

Visitor information

Opening times


Free access to grounds during daylight hours; please leave the ruins when darkness falls or in stormy weather!

Interior castle

All year round

Mon. - Sun., Holiday
07:00 am - 09:00 pm



Guided tours

Tours of the ruins and museum

Guided tours of the ruins and museum by appointment with the conservation association Verein zur Erhaltung der Hochburg e.V.


Hochburg and museum

Free entry
With guided tour on request

Disability access

Information is available atDisability access

How to find us

journey description: Hochburg Castle, illustration: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, JUNG:Kommunikation


Hochburg Castle
79321 Emmendingen, Germany

Getting there

Take the A5 from Karlsruhe to Basel, exit at Teningen and continue to Emmendingen. In Emmendingen, follow the signs marked "Hochburg". The ruin is located on a hilltop and can be seen clearly after leaving the small town of Windenreute.

Contact us

Hochburg Castle

79321 Emmendingen, Germany

Verein zur Erhaltung der Ruine Hochburg e.V.

(Hochburg Castle Conservation Society)
Office in Rathaus (Town Hall)
Landvogtei 10
79321 Emmendingen, Germany

Contact form

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